Give Now
You can start supporting your community today. Gifts we can accept now include:
Give Later
Giving through your estate plan enables you to maintain control of your assets during your lifetime, support our community, and possibly give more than you ever thought you could.
Give to an Existing Fund
Consider giving a gift to one of the 140+ funds already established by individuals, businesses, and organizations that want to build stronger communities. If you would like to give to an existing fund but are not sure which to choose, please contact us.
Establish a Fund
Make a lasting impact with your giving. As your partner in philanthropy, The Community Foundation makes it easy to realize your giving goals through a charitable fund. A simple fund agreement and an initial tax-deductible gift are all you need to create your personal giving vehicle. Our team can talk with you about the benefits of the various types of funds and answer any questions you may have.
Give of Your Time and Talents.
The Community Foundation does much of its work through our volunteer board and committees. Participation on committees is just one way to become involved with the Community Foundation.
BCCF selects board and committee members based on their ability to assist in accomplishing our mission. To be eligible for Board Membership, applicants must be annual BCCF donors and reside or work in our service area. We consider the diversity of experience, skills, and networks in choosing candidates and the expressed desire to help raise funds and leverage resources to serve our communities.
How do I start the grant application process?Visit the Grant Application Process page on our website to schedule a time to meet with our staff to discuss your proposal and review the BCCF Grants Guide and application packet.
What are the deadlines for grant applications?Youth Advisory Committee and Youth-Related Grants Application: January 1 - January 31 Notification: April 31 Community Good Grants Application: August 1 - August 31 Notification: October 31 Scholarships Application: December 1 - March 1 Notification: May 1 Education Mini-Grants (Coldwater, Quincy, and Bronson) Application: April 1 - April 30 Notification: May 31 Nola & George Cummings Family Foundation Fund Mini-Grants Application: June 1 - June 30 - and - December 1 - December 31 Notification: August 1 - and - February 1 Women Who Care Mini-Grants Application: Year-Round Proposals Due: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 For additional details, please visit the Funding Opportunities page.
Can I submit a proposal with just a few items missing and get those to you after the deadline?No. We require that applications be complete and submitted to us by the end of the deadline day (11:59 pm). We will consider a proposal that is missing one or more items incomplete, and it will be withdrawn from consideration. If your organization is missing one or more of the required attachments or is unable to provide them by the grant deadline, it would be better to wait until the next deadline and submit a complete proposal.
We're a new organization and don't have all of the information requested in the guidelines. Can we still apply?We require that proposals include all of the listed information and attachments or the application will be deemed incomplete and automatically withdrawn from consideration. If you are a new organization, please refer to the steps on our Grant Application Process page and contact the Community Foundation office for additional information or guidance.
What's the best time to call?For more information or to schedule a conversation with a member of The Branch County Community Foundation staff, please fill out our contact form, email, or call/text us at 517-278-4517. Our business hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. We are always happy to respond to your questions. However, be aware that we receive a large volume of calls in the two weeks prior to the grant deadlines, and may take more time to respond to requests at those busy times of the year.
Who reviews my grant application?Each application goes through an initial staff review to make sure the baseline legal requirements are met and the project falls within the overall goals the Community Foundation has set for its grantmaking program before being presented to our grants committee with all final recommendations from the Branch County Community Foundation Board of Directors.
What support does the Community Foundation offer for grant writing assistance?The Community Foundation staff is happy to review applications and offer suggestions for editing. The Community Foundation wants you to have the strongest application possible for the competitive grant cycles. All requests for assistance must be made via email to and separately from an application submission. All requests for assistance must be requested no later than one week before the application deadline. Requests submitted any closer to the application deadline may not be received.
How do I start the grant application process?Visit the Grant Application Process page on our website to schedule a time to meet with our staff to discuss your proposal and review the BCCF Grants Guide and application packet.
What are the deadlines for grant applications?Youth Advisory Committee and Youth-Related Grants Application: January 1 - January 31 Notification: April 31 Community Good Grants Application: August 1 - August 31 Notification: October 31 Scholarships Application: December 1 - March 1 Notification: May 1 Education Mini-Grants (Coldwater, Quincy, and Bronson) Application: April 1 - April 30 Notification: May 31 Nola & George Cummings Family Foundation Fund Mini-Grants Application: June 1 - June 30 - and - December 1 - December 31 Notification: August 1 - and - February 1 Women Who Care Mini-Grants Application: Year-Round Proposals Due: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 For additional details, please visit the Funding Opportunities page.
Can I submit a proposal with just a few items missing and get those to you after the deadline?No. We require that applications be complete and submitted to us by the end of the deadline day (11:59 pm). We will consider a proposal that is missing one or more items incomplete, and it will be withdrawn from consideration. If your organization is missing one or more of the required attachments or is unable to provide them by the grant deadline, it would be better to wait until the next deadline and submit a complete proposal.
We're a new organization and don't have all of the information requested in the guidelines. Can we still apply?We require that proposals include all of the listed information and attachments or the application will be deemed incomplete and automatically withdrawn from consideration. If you are a new organization, please refer to the steps on our Grant Application Process page and contact the Community Foundation office for additional information or guidance.
What's the best time to call?For more information or to schedule a conversation with a member of The Branch County Community Foundation staff, please fill out our contact form, email, or call/text us at 517-278-4517. Our business hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. We are always happy to respond to your questions. However, be aware that we receive a large volume of calls in the two weeks prior to the grant deadlines, and may take more time to respond to requests at those busy times of the year.
Who reviews my grant application?Each application goes through an initial staff review to make sure the baseline legal requirements are met and the project falls within the overall goals the Community Foundation has set for its grantmaking program before being presented to our grants committee with all final recommendations from the Branch County Community Foundation Board of Directors.
What support does the Community Foundation offer for grant writing assistance?The Community Foundation staff is happy to review applications and offer suggestions for editing. The Community Foundation wants you to have the strongest application possible for the competitive grant cycles. All requests for assistance must be made via email to and separately from an application submission. All requests for assistance must be requested no later than one week before the application deadline. Requests submitted any closer to the application deadline may not be received.
How do I start the grant application process?Visit the Grant Application Process page on our website to schedule a time to meet with our staff to discuss your proposal and review the BCCF Grants Guide and application packet.
What are the deadlines for grant applications?Youth Advisory Committee and Youth-Related Grants Application: January 1 - January 31 Notification: April 31 Community Good Grants Application: August 1 - August 31 Notification: October 31 Scholarships Application: December 1 - March 1 Notification: May 1 Education Mini-Grants (Coldwater, Quincy, and Bronson) Application: April 1 - April 30 Notification: May 31 Nola & George Cummings Family Foundation Fund Mini-Grants Application: June 1 - June 30 - and - December 1 - December 31 Notification: August 1 - and - February 1 Women Who Care Mini-Grants Application: Year-Round Proposals Due: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 For additional details, please visit the Funding Opportunities page.
Can I submit a proposal with just a few items missing and get those to you after the deadline?No. We require that applications be complete and submitted to us by the end of the deadline day (11:59 pm). We will consider a proposal that is missing one or more items incomplete, and it will be withdrawn from consideration. If your organization is missing one or more of the required attachments or is unable to provide them by the grant deadline, it would be better to wait until the next deadline and submit a complete proposal.
We're a new organization and don't have all of the information requested in the guidelines. Can we still apply?We require that proposals include all of the listed information and attachments or the application will be deemed incomplete and automatically withdrawn from consideration. If you are a new organization, please refer to the steps on our Grant Application Process page and contact the Community Foundation office for additional information or guidance.
What's the best time to call?For more information or to schedule a conversation with a member of The Branch County Community Foundation staff, please fill out our contact form, email, or call/text us at 517-278-4517. Our business hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. We are always happy to respond to your questions. However, be aware that we receive a large volume of calls in the two weeks prior to the grant deadlines, and may take more time to respond to requests at those busy times of the year.
Who reviews my grant application?Each application goes through an initial staff review to make sure the baseline legal requirements are met and the project falls within the overall goals the Community Foundation has set for its grantmaking program before being presented to our grants committee with all final recommendations from the Branch County Community Foundation Board of Directors.
What support does the Community Foundation offer for grant writing assistance?The Community Foundation staff is happy to review applications and offer suggestions for editing. The Community Foundation wants you to have the strongest application possible for the competitive grant cycles. All requests for assistance must be made via email to and separately from an application submission. All requests for assistance must be requested no later than one week before the application deadline. Requests submitted any closer to the application deadline may not be received.
How do I start the grant application process?Visit the Grant Application Process page on our website to schedule a time to meet with our staff to discuss your proposal and review the BCCF Grants Guide and application packet.
What are the deadlines for grant applications?Youth Advisory Committee and Youth-Related Grants Application: January 1 - January 31 Notification: April 31 Community Good Grants Application: August 1 - August 31 Notification: October 31 Scholarships Application: December 1 - March 1 Notification: May 1 Education Mini-Grants (Coldwater, Quincy, and Bronson) Application: April 1 - April 30 Notification: May 31 Nola & George Cummings Family Foundation Fund Mini-Grants Application: June 1 - June 30 - and - December 1 - December 31 Notification: August 1 - and - February 1 Women Who Care Mini-Grants Application: Year-Round Proposals Due: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 For additional details, please visit the Funding Opportunities page.
Can I submit a proposal with just a few items missing and get those to you after the deadline?No. We require that applications be complete and submitted to us by the end of the deadline day (11:59 pm). We will consider a proposal that is missing one or more items incomplete, and it will be withdrawn from consideration. If your organization is missing one or more of the required attachments or is unable to provide them by the grant deadline, it would be better to wait until the next deadline and submit a complete proposal.
We're a new organization and don't have all of the information requested in the guidelines. Can we still apply?We require that proposals include all of the listed information and attachments or the application will be deemed incomplete and automatically withdrawn from consideration. If you are a new organization, please refer to the steps on our Grant Application Process page and contact the Community Foundation office for additional information or guidance.
What's the best time to call?For more information or to schedule a conversation with a member of The Branch County Community Foundation staff, please fill out our contact form, email, or call/text us at 517-278-4517. Our business hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. We are always happy to respond to your questions. However, be aware that we receive a large volume of calls in the two weeks prior to the grant deadlines, and may take more time to respond to requests at those busy times of the year.
Who reviews my grant application?Each application goes through an initial staff review to make sure the baseline legal requirements are met and the project falls within the overall goals the Community Foundation has set for its grantmaking program before being presented to our grants committee with all final recommendations from the Branch County Community Foundation Board of Directors.
What support does the Community Foundation offer for grant writing assistance?The Community Foundation staff is happy to review applications and offer suggestions for editing. The Community Foundation wants you to have the strongest application possible for the competitive grant cycles. All requests for assistance must be made via email to and separately from an application submission. All requests for assistance must be requested no later than one week before the application deadline. Requests submitted any closer to the application deadline may not be received.

Ways to Give
Open a Fund
Interested in starting a fund? Please complete the contact form to get in touch with our team, or call 517.278.4517.
We strive to make giving easy, so you can focus on making an impact. To that end, we accept a wide variety of gifts, from online credit cards to complex assets. We are a 501(c)(3), so all gifts to The Branch County Community Foundation are eligible for the full charitable deduction. Whichever option you choose, your gift will help make Colon and Branch County places we all love to live.
Gift and fund acceptance policies are available upon request by contacting us at 517-278-4517 or